Winter camp

BiG Language International Center


Temas de los cursos

Escucha, hablando, pronunciación, lectura, escritura, vocabulario, gramática y actividades

Horario del curso

Duración del curso
2-3 semanas
Clases a la semana
26 lessons per week (cada lección dura 40 minutos)
Días de clases
lunes - domingo

Horario de curso

You can choose from the following class times:

08:30 - 22:00

Horario de clases está sujeto a cambio dependiendo de la disponibilidad y temporada.

Descripción del curso

The real opportunities for studying Spanish and exploring the authentic culture.
BiG Language International Center particularly organizes a winter camp for the students aged from 18yrs to 25 yrs. .We give both language course and culture experience by indoor and outdoor activities which is also the most ideal way to get into the Spanish life.

22/01, Day, Arrival to Madrid from your country.
23/01, Day2 Airport Pick-Up, Camp Opening Celebrations lunch , Madrid City Tour.
As a capital of Spain, Madrid is not only the center of national economic, culture, education but also politic center. BiG Language arranges the licensed Architect to show you the buildings that are famous for design and the history.
24/01, Day3 Madrid-->Toledo-->Tobarra,70 km south of Madrid. It is the capital of the province of Toledo and the autonomous community of Castile–La Mancha. It was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1986 for its extensive cultural and monumental heritage and historical co-existence of Christian, Muslim and Jewish cultures.
At night,Tobarra, welcome party by the local residence and host families.
25/01 Don Quixote's hometown. Main school campus, let’s start the most interesting language course and culture experience by professional teachers.

The 1st Week Morning Afternoon
25/01 Monday Spanish and culture course Making Paella and taste
26/01 Tuesday Spanish and culture course Football experience by Spanish trainers.
27/01 Wednesday Spanish and culture course Farm trip, knowledge of olive and
Olive oil production process
28/01 Thursday Spanish and culture course Wine factory visit, knowledge of
Wine making process
29/01 Friday Spanish and culture course Jomon taste, cutting and
Knowledge lesson.
30/01 Saturday city tour in Granada
31/01 Sunday city tour in Granada
01/02 Monday group1 go home, group 2 to tobarra.
The 2nd week Morning Afternoon
01/02 Monday Spanish and culture course Spanish movie /opera
02/02Tuesday Spanish and culture course Modern Spanish dancing course
03/02Wednesday Spanish and culture course Spanish most popular
Cocktail/cocktail making
04/02 Thursday Spanish and culture course Spanish traditional crafts experience
05/02 Friday Spanish and culture course 100 years coffee bar experience
06/02 Saturday Barcelona city tour
07/02 Sunday Barcelona city tour
08/02 Barcelona airport, going home!
Not only visit the famous tourist points but also explore how come Barcelona the most suitable living city from the local view.
Barcelona is the 10th-most-visited city in the world and the third most visited in Europe after London and Paris, with 8 million tourists every year since 2012. With its Rambles, Barcelona is ranked the most popular city to visit in Spain.

Barcelona as internationally renowned a tourist destination, with numerous recreational areas, one of the best beaches in the world, mild and warm climate, historical monuments, including eight UNESCO World Heritage Sites, many good-quality hotels, and developed tourist infrastructure.

Nivel del curso

Todos los niveles, principiante a avanzado
Tomará un examen de competencia el primer día para determinar su nivel.

Tasa de la clase

Medio 4 estudiantes
Máximo 30 estudiantes

Edad de estudiante

Rango de edades 18 - 40 años
Medio 26 años
(22 en el verano)


Un certificado de finalización se presenta al final del curso.
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  • Estudiantes de BiG Language International Center 1/25
  • Los profesores y el personal de BiG Language International Center 2/25
  • City of Albacete 3/25
  • City of Albacete 4/25
  • Actividades ofrecidas en BiG Language International Center 5/25
  • Alojamiento con familia ofrecido por BiG Language International Center 6/25
  • Alojamiento con familia ofrecido por BiG Language International Center 7/25
  • City of Albacete 8/25
  • City of Albacete 9/25
  • Actividades ofrecidas en BiG Language International Center 10/25
  • Actividades ofrecidas en BiG Language International Center 11/25
  • Actividades ofrecidas en BiG Language International Center 12/25
  • Actividades ofrecidas en BiG Language International Center 13/25
  • Classes at BiG Language International Center 14/25
  • Estudiantes de BiG Language International Center 15/25
  • Estudiantes de BiG Language International Center 16/25
  • Actividades ofrecidas en BiG Language International Center 17/25
  • City of Albacete 18/25
  • City of Albacete 19/25
  • City of Albacete 20/25
  • Actividades ofrecidas en BiG Language International Center 21/25
  • City of Albacete 22/25
  • City of Albacete 23/25
  • BiG Language International Center 24/25
  • BiG Language International Center 25/25


BiG Language ofrece los siguientes tipos de alojamiento:

Casa de familia - Habitación individual - Desayuno y cena

COL$ 745,012

Homestay - Single-person room - Breakfast and dinner

Rango de edades: 15 - 45 años
Emplazamiento: In the city center of Albacete
Tipo de alojamiento: Casa de familia
Tipo de habitación: Habitación individual
Régimen de comidas: Desayuno y cena (14 comidas por semana)
Instalaciones : Internet gratis
Distancia a la escuela: 1 - 15 minutos en caminata
Disponibilidad: enero - diciembre
Día de llegada: lunes, después de las 12:00
Día de salida: lunes, antes de las 10:00
COL$ 745,012
Homestays are carefully selected and offer students the opportunity to learn more about the local culture in a comfortable setting while studying Spanish in Tobarra. These homes are often between 3-15 minutes away from the school by walking. Families usually offer affordable meal plans that allow you to sample the local cuisine. If you have special requests or diet restrictions (because of religion or health reasons), please let us know in advance. Students must be 15 years old and older.

Residencia de estudiantes - Habitación individual - Sin comidas

COL$ 596,010

Student residence (off-campus) - Single-person room - No meals

Rango de edades: 18 - 59 años
Emplazamiento: In the city center of Albacete
Tipo de alojamiento: Residencia de estudiantes (fuera del campus)
Tipo de habitación: Habitación individual
Régimen de comidas: Sin comidas
Distancia a la escuela: 3 - 15 minutos en caminata
Disponibilidad: enero - diciembre
Día de llegada: lunes, después de las 12:00
Día de salida: lunes, antes de las 10:00
COL$ 596,010
BiG students residence are carefully selected in a comfortable setting while studying Spanish in Tobarra. These homes are very close from the school and supermarkets by walking. BiG students residence are not offering any meal . Students must be over 18 years old and older.

Apoyo para visas

Language International no puede realizar el proceso de aplicación de visas en nombre de los estudiantes. Sin embargo, podemos proporcionarle toda la documentación necesaria que va a necesitar como parte de su aplicación.

Mandarán su carta de aceptación a su domicilio por correo normal gratuitamente. Si quiere recebir sus documentos por correo express, hay una tasa extra de 10 €.

Vuelos y transporte al aeropuerto

Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Albacete based on your budget, schedule and preferences.

Seguro de viaje

Estudia en el extranjero sin preocupaciones con la cobertura del seguro de salud y de efectos personales de Language International. Cuando reservas un curso con nosotros, puedes optar por comprar un plan de seguro amplio que cubra no sólo tus costos de atención de la salud, ¡sino también la pérdida de tus pertenencias personales. Necesita reservar su seguro de antemano.

Aprenda más sobre nuestro plan de seguro de salud y de viaje »

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Preguntas y respuestas

¿Preguntas? Recibe respuestas de nuestros consejeros estudiantiles, del personal de la escuela BiG Language International Center y de alumnos anteriores.

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